Mangroves treasure
Mangroves are a unique type of habitat. The complex structure of the mangrove tree roots trap leaf litter which is an essential food source for fishes, shrimps and crabs, but also provides shelter to them.
Eat at mudflats
There are many mudflats in different sizes in Hong Kong. During the bird migration season, it is not uncommon to see groups of birds finding food and taking rest on the mudflats, striving to prepare for their long migration journey.
Forest birds in winter
In winter, the forest is still full of vitality and color. The blooming flowers attract numerous nectar-drinking birds. Let’s find them with your eyes and ears.
When forest matures
In Hong Kong, most of the primary forests were cut during the Second World War. When the forest regenerates, many forest-depending species has been attracted to recolonise the forest, showing the great resilience of the nature.